Tweet Cam!

Here's the latest from the Tweet Cam.

News: They've fledged!

We are now sure that all the chicks have fledged. Below is the video clip in which the last chick breaks for freedom. I am going back to find the others, but in the end there are over 2000 clips of video to have a look at from this week. The chick before this to fledge was several hours (and quite a few clips) earlier, so it'll take a bit to know I've found all the fledging clips.
Now that they've gone, this is no longer updating the clips.

Here's one from last week. Spot the chick!

N.B. If you can't see a video at all, it might be you have an old browser, and I haven't done any magic to make that work.

This is the "camera" - an old canon fit lens from ebay (~£30) with a Raspberry Pi camera (with its own lens removed) mounted on the back. It's running PiKrellCam, which was very easy to get going on a brand new Raspbian installation. Experimenting with the lens/camera module, making the final physical stuff, making the capture work, and then doing some bash shell magic to pull the latest video to here took most of a Saturday between deciding over morning coffee to do it and going out in the evening.

camera setup